IACS Address COVID19 Concerns With A Letter To Industry Associations


  • IACS has received many requests from interested parties seeking guidance on how it will respond to the current and forthcoming challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The purpose of IACS Procedural Requirements (PRs) is to provide consistency between the actions and approaches taken by IACS Members.
  • IACS has welcomed the positive and proactive action undertaken by IMO calling for understanding and close cooperation among all Member States and Port States.
  • IACS is also cooperating with flag States with a view to working with maritime Administrations to assist in addressing the issuance of statutory certificates.

An article in Safety4sea details how IACS will respond to the current and forthcoming challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

IACS informed that its members have all been proactive in working with industry and flag States where operational decisions regarding, for example, measures to maintain validity of classification and statutory certificates, need to be made by the individual Class Society on a case-by-case basis.

IACS Members also recognize, however, that a consistency in approach between the various Class Societies is required and the Association has therefore established a COVID-19 Task Force to identify and assess measures that can be implemented in a coordinated fashion to help facilitate business continuity.

IACS Procedural Requirements

The purpose of IACS Procedural Requirements (PRs) is to provide consistency between the actions and approaches taken by IACS Members and the measures that have already been taken by IACS to address immediate concerns can be summarised as follows:

  • PR1C has been used to ensure consistency in the application of ‘force majeure’ and exceptional circumstances’ for class purposes by IACS Members.
  • Also in PR1C are requirements related to carrying out surveys and maintaining the validity of certificates. IACS is developing a temporary amendment to Para. A.1.7 of PR1C which will provide a period of not exceeding three (3) months for the completion of surveys.
  • IACS is working on amendments to PR1A which will facilitate the transfer of class by allowing the gaining Society, in coordination with the owner, to better plan the surveys in advance.
  • IACS Members have taken a unanimous stand to the use of each other’s exclusive surveyors where it would be impractical for one Society to attend but where a surveyor from another IACS Member Society could be utilised.

This measure will also help avoid unnecessary travel in restricted areas which in turn supports the safety of the surveyor and vessel crew concerned and the broader public health of the countries concerned. Provisions exist in PR5 and PR211 allowing these arrangements (subject to agreement with the RO’s flag States).

These provisions will be supplemented by the development of a standard request form that may be used by each IACS Member when seeking to utilize the exclusive surveyor from another IACS Classification Society.

  • Noting the importance of keeping both surveyors and ship’s crews safe when visiting vessels, IACS is developing specific health and safety guidance for surveyors to facilitate their access to sites/ships which will cover matters such as strict adherence to, and support of, site/ship security access controls along with site/ship health and safety measures; use of protective equipment, including masks, gloves, soap, hand-sanitizers and temperature monitors and upto-date guidance on COVID19 prevention measures.

IACS COVID-19 Task Force

An IACS COVID-19 Task Force has been established to answer a number of questions recently received.

Regarding action at the regulatory level, IACS has welcomed the positive and proactive action undertaken by IMO including the issuance of IMO Circular letters calling for understanding and close cooperation among all Member States and Port States to overcome challenges related to the implementation and enforcement of the relevant IMO instruments.

Moreover, flag States have recognised the challenge and are addressing it within the statutory regime, and supports the measures taken to date by IMO.

IACS co-sponsored a submission to IMO (MSC 102/7/5) seeking a unified interpretation of SOLAS regulation II-1/3-10 concerning the term “unforeseen delay in the delivery of ships“.

IACS is also cooperating with flag States with a view to working with maritime Administrations to assist in addressing the issuance of statutory certificates beyond the 3 month window of a short term certificate, possibly via the development of technical parameters and/or a risk based approach that can underpin the decision making process and identify any associated checks that need to be put in place during that period.

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Source: Safety4sea