IACS Publishes EEXI Implementation Recommendations


The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) has issued its recommendations to support consistent implementation of EEXI.

Interpretation and implementation of EEXI

The IACS guidance Rec.172 provides details on the interpretation and implementation of IMO’s Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI), a mandatory decarbonisation measure set to enter into force from January 2023.

The 24-page document responds to MEPC.333 (76), MEPC.334 (76), and MEPC.335 (76), expanding on the regulation, exploring its nuances and providing further guidance and advice on implementation.

Specific issues identified as needing further elaboration in Rec.172 include: the approval of the EEXI Technical File; non-overridable power limitation; EEXI calculation methodology for LNG Carriers; ship type applicability; appropriate Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) values, and; the uniform performing & validating of numerical calculations of the EEXI reference speed (Vref),” said IACS.

EEXI will enter into force via amendments to MARPOL Annex VI which become effective from November 2022, with changes at shipboard level from January 2023.

Common approach to EEXI calculation

With such a tight timeframe, IACS said it was vitally important for the association to provide and maintain clarity on the rules so the industry benefits from a common approach to EEXI calculation.

IACS Secretary General, Robert Ashdown, said: ‘IACS is in a unique position to assist industry in complying with complex decarbonisation regulations by providing technical guidance that can help to maintain clarity while also enabling the practical and consistent application of this index on a global scale.’

Rec.172 is available for download from the IACS website.

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Source: IACS