IACS’ Submissions At CCC 10


In demonstrating its ongoing commitment to supporting the work of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and within its remit as the Organization’s principal technical advisor, IACS will actively participate in the forthcoming 10th session of the Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 10), which will meet from Monday, 16 September to Friday, 20 September 2024, reports Safety4sea.

IACS submissions

Noting the work IACS Members undertake as recognized organizations of IMO Member States, verifying compliance of ships with IMO agreed requirements, and with a view to achieving clarity for all parties, IACS has submitted and co-sponsored the following papers:

CCC 10/3/2 proposes an amendment to paragraph 9.6 of the IGF Code to provide technical requirements for gas fuel vent pipes with single-walled construction in machinery spaces;

CCC 10/3/4 proposes amendments to paragraphs 11.5.1, 11.5.2 and 11.5.3 of part A-1 of the IGF Code concerning a water spray system for fuel storage tank(s);

CCC 10/4/3 proposes amendments to paragraph 11.3.2 of the IGC Code concerning a water spray system for fuel storage tank(s);

CCC 10/4/5 provides comments on the report of the Correspondence Group on Amendments to the IGF Code and Review of the IGC Code presented in document CCC 10/4;

CCC 10/4/7 provides comments on document CCC 10/4/1 proposing to develop interim guidelines for the use of anhydrous ammonia cargo as fuel;

CCC 10/7 proposes a revision of MSC.1/Circ.1353/Rev.2 to accept lashing software as a supplement to the container stowage and securing arrangement plan included in the approved Cargo Securing Manual in order to evaluate actual loading conditions, and draft performance standards and guidelines with which the lashing software should comply to allow consistent approval of lashing software;

CCC 10/8/2 contains comments on the report of the Correspondence Group on the Revision of Resolution A.1050(27);

CCC 10/10 proposes a draft unified interpretation of paragraph 5.7.1 of the IGF Code to facilitate the universal and uniform implementation of the IGF Code;

CCC 10/10/3 proposes a draft unified interpretation of SOLAS regulation II-1/2.29 to clarify the applicability of SOLAS regulations II-1/56 and II-1/57 to facilitate the universal and uniform implementation of the IGF Code to ships using gas as fuel;

CCC 10/INF.3 informs the Sub-Committee on revision 5 of IACS UI SC 89 of SOLAS regulation II-2/19.3.4 and the IMSBC Code cargo space ventilation requirements with the inclusion of a new cargo type in accordance with the amendments to the IMSBC Code (resolution MSC.539(107));

CCC 10/14/1 comments on document CCC 10/14 and proposes that further considerations are required before the Revised Interim recommendations for carriage of liquefied hydrogen in bulk, as adopted by resolution MSC.565(108), can be amended.

CCC 10/15/1 proposes risk-prevention-related areas which should be considered by the Sub-Committee in order to mitigate the risks and consequences of cargo fires on containerships;

CCC 10/INF.10 informs the Sub-Committee of IACS unified interpretation GF 20 of paragraph 5.3 of MSC.1/Circ.1621 regarding arrangements for methyl/ethyl alcohol fuel tanks.

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Source: Safety4sea