IINO Chemical Tanker Rescues 52 People

Credits: Ilse Orsel/Unsplash

IINO Kaiun Kaisha, Ltd. (IINO) has announced, the Group-owned, managed and operated chemical tanker “Chemroad Queen” (the vessel) rescued 52 people in distress off the west coast of Africa.

Crew rescued

At 16:20 on 24 February (local time), the vessel received a request from the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) based in Madrid to rescue the ship in distress and immediately headed to the area and rescued 52 people at around 19:50 on the same day. Following the MRCC’s instructions, those rescued were disembarked safely at the port of Bouder, Morocco, at 17:10 on the following day

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Source: IINO