IMO’s Facilitation Committee To Advance Digitalization Of Shipping Sector


IMO’s Facilitation Committee has taken steps to further advance the digitalization of the shipping sector while addressing cyber-security threats and the regulation of new technology such as autonomous ships. 

Maritime Single Window 

The Facilitation Committee (FAL) meets annually to deal with matters related to the facilitation of international maritime trade. The Committee held its forty-eighth session (FAL 48) from 8 to 12 April 2024, in person at IMO Headquarters in London, chaired by Mr. Watchara Chiemanukulkit of Thailand. 

High on the agenda were discussions around the application of “maritime single windows”, which became mandatory for all IMO Member States on 1 January 2024. Maritime administrations are now required to use a single, centralized digital platform – a maritime single window – to collect and exchange information with ships when they call at ports, to streamline procedures and enhance efficiency. 

Representatives from Antigua and Barbuda, Brazil, Indonesia and Togo shared their experiences in implementing MSWs in their respective countries. Singapore spoke about implementing a MSW system in the Port of Lobito in Angola, under the SWiFT Project financed by Singapore. 

New Version Approved 

The Committee agreed to continue discussions on the development of an overarching IMO strategy on digitalization at the next session (FAL 49), under a new output (subject to the Council’s endorsement). The recommendations from the industry survey will be discussed under this new output on the IMO digitalization strategy. 

In addition, during the session, the Committee approved a new version of the IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business, approved new guidelines on Port Community Systems, and discussed the issue of cyber-security, calling on Member States to develop and operate their MSWs in a cyber secure and resilient way. 

Autonomous Shipping

The Committee approved a revised road map for addressing Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) issues, related to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL Convention).  Under the roadmap, the Committee is expected to finalize the development of a mandatory MASS Code to regulate autonomous ships, and adopt relevant amendments to the FAL Convention by 2027.  

Work on this issue will continue with the Joint Working Group on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS-JWG), which will hold its third meeting from 8 to 10 May 2024, bringing together the Legal, Facilitation and Maritime Security Committees to discuss common MASS-related issues. 

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Source: IMO