IMO’s Statement At The MEPC 77 Meeting


MEP77 of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) addresses shipping’s decarbonization and the 2050 goal as reported by Intercargo.

International meeting

“Given the harsh realities and tremendous challenges of decarbonisation and the associated energy transition, from technological, economic, and societal points of view, INTERCARGO fully supports the drive and ambition to achieve zero-emission shipping by 2050,” INTERCARGO said at the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee meeting this week (IMO’s MEPC 77, 22-26 Nov. 2021).

Commercial development

Shipowners, on the other hand, will only be able to meet such a goal if the commercial development of the essential technologies, fuels, propulsion systems, and accompanying infrastructure is accelerated dramatically and immediately.

The MEPC 77 of the International Maritime Organization is where governments and member states can act and adopt the appropriate measures:

  1.     In the short term, an immediate priority is the approval of the industry proposal for the “Establishment of an International Maritime Research and Development Board and an IMO Maritime Research Fund” – as set out in paper MEPC 77/7/6 cosponsored by INTERCARGO.
  2.     INTERCARGO has also, jointly with ICS, put forward a proposal for a global levy on carbon emissions from ships as a medium-term Market-Based Measure, in order to accelerate the uptake and deployment of zero-carbon technologies and fuels – as set out in paper ISWG-GHG 10/5/2.

Finally, INTERCARGO supports the IMO in addressing the shared global issue of delivering on the shipping industry’s decarbonisation goal, and, as the voice of dry bulk ship owners, managers, and operators, asks the IMO’s MEPC 77 to take appropriate action.

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Source: Intercargo