Importance Of Tank Coatings In Preventing Cargo Contamination And Structural Damage


According to Britannia, understanding the significance of tank coatings is crucial for effective claims and risk management. A reliable tank coating prevents water and corrosive agents from coming into direct contact with metal surfaces, reducing structural damage and cargo contamination during transportation.

Stainless Steel Coatings

Stainless steel, commonly used in chemical tankers, is known for its chromium-oxide “passive layer” that protects the steel. This layer can deteriorate over time but regenerates when exposed to oxygen. Regular inspections, especially after tank cleaning, and testing the passivity of the steel are essential. Special care is needed when handling acid cargoes, as they can cause corrosion damage, leading to costly repairs.

Pure Epoxy-Organic Coating

Pure epoxy coatings are typically used in clean petroleum products (CPP) trade. However, they have limited flexibility among cargo types and can degrade faster if not cleaned properly or exposed to high temperatures. Regular inspections and adherence to manufacturer guidelines are necessary to prevent contamination and coating breakdown.

Tank coatings require continuous monitoring and care to prevent cargo contamination and extend their lifespan. Understanding the properties and limitations of coating systems can help minimize the risk of contamination and associated claims, making it cost-effective in the long run.

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Source: Britannia