Industry Calls For Earmarking Of ETS Revenues In Final Negotiating Round

Credits: Jens Rademacher/ Unsplash
  • The CLIA community includes the world’s most prestigious ocean, river, and specialty cruise lines. 
  • ENMC’s main mission is to establish an efficient framework for maritime sectoral cooperation.
  • Serving as the first port of call for European transport policy makers in Brussels, ESPO is a knowledge network that drives ports to perform better. 

The European clusters call on the European Parliament and the Council to earmark the revenues generated from the inclusion of the shipping sector in EU ETS for the maritime sector, reported by Nafs Green.

Ongoing negotiations 

As the negotiations on the revision of the EU ETS enter their final stretch next Tuesday, European shipowners, ports, the cruise and ferry sectors, shipyards and equipment manufacturers, fuel suppliers, shippers, forwarders, port operators, ship managers and the European maritime clusters call on the European Parliament and the Council to earmark the revenues generated from the inclusion of the shipping sector in the EU ETS for the maritime sector.

The signatories call on regulators to support (a) mandatory calls dedicated to the maritime sector in the innovation fund and (b) the funding of these calls through the EU ETS revenues coming from the shipping sector.

About the signatories

ECSA represents 19 national shipowners’ associations based in the EU and Norway. 

European shipowners control 39.5% of the global commercial fleet, contribute 149 billion euros per year to the EU GDP and provide 2 million Europeans with careers both on board and ashore. 

ECSA strives for a regulatory environment that fosters the international competitiveness of European shipping, to the benefit of the EU.

CLECAT represents 24 national freight forwarder and logistics associations and through them the majority of freight forwarders and logistics service providers in Europe, including large but also many small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs).

Largest cruise industry

The Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) is the world’s largest cruise industry trade association, providing a unified voice for the industry as the leading authority of the global cruise community. 

On behalf of its members, affiliates and partners, the organization supports policies and practices that foster a secure, healthy, and sustainable cruise ship environment, promoting positive travel experiences for the more than 30 million passengers who have cruised annually. 

The CLIA community includes the world’s most prestigious ocean, river, and specialty cruise lines. 

A highly trained and certified travel agent community; and a widespread network of stakeholders, including ports & destinations, ship development, suppliers, and business services.

The European Network of Maritime Clusters (ENMC) is a cooperation between European national maritime cluster associations. 

ENMC’s main mission is to establish an efficient framework for maritime sectoral cooperation.

Efuel alliance

The eFuel Alliance is a stakeholder initiative committed to promoting the political and social acceptance of eFuels and to securing their regulatory approval. 

The eFuel Alliance represents more than 180 companies, associations and consumer organizations along the value chain of eFuel production. 

It is committed to more climate protection and aim to win broader recognition of the significant contribution eFuels can make in the drive for sustainability and climate protection. 

The European Shippers’ Council (ESC) represents the interests of more than 75.000 cargo owners in the European Union, both SMEs and large multinational companies. 

For all of them, transport is an indispensable link to their customers. 

Efficient and sustainable transport and logistics are critical for the competitiveness of European industry and socio-economic welfare.

Environmental management 

The European Sea Ports Organization (ESPO) is the principal interface between European seaports and the European institutions and its policy makers. 

Founded in 1993, ESPO represents the port authorities, port associations and port administrations of the seaports of 22 Member States of the European Union and Norway at EU political level. 

ESPO also has six observer members: Albania, Iceland, Israel, Montenegro, Ukraine and United Kingdom. 

Serving as the first port of call for European transport policy makers in Brussels, ESPO is a knowledge network that drives ports to perform better. 

In the context of environmental management, ESPO coordinates the collaborative efforts of the port sector to develop policies for monitoring, environmental protection, and sustainability.

Advance biofuels

EWABA is a Brussels-based association representing the interests of the European waste-based and advanced biofuels industry before EU institutions, national governments, industry, civil society and the media. 

We promote the inclusion of waste-based and advanced biofuels in the EU fuel mix as a sustainable means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in EU transport. 

Our +35 members active in most EU Member States collect and use waste and advanced feedstocks listed in parts A and B of Annex IX of the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII) to produce sustainable biodiesel with the highest GHG savings (up to +90%) when compared with fossil fuels, thus enabling “near-term decarbonization” of the EU road and maritime transport sectors.

European shipbuilding 

The Federation of European Private Port Companies and Terminals (FEPORT) represents the interests of 1225 private port companies and terminals performing cargo handling and logistics related activities in European seaports, which employ over 390.000 port workers. 

The organisation was founded in 1993 to promote the interests of its members, and to maintain constant dialogue with all EU institutional and non-institutional stakeholders. 

INTERFERRY represents the ferry industry world-wide, bringing together all the facets of a very diverse maritime segment, that transports billions of passengers and large amounts of goods over the world and which also shows significant versatility in terms of different business models and prevailing regulatory frameworks.

INTERFERRY is very actively engaged with the IMO and vis-à-vis supranational bodies.

INTERMANAGER represents in-house or third party ship and crew managers and related maritime companies and shipping organisations, involved in managing more than 5,000 ships and responsible for over 250,000 seafarers.

The Shipyards’ & Maritime Equipment Association of Europe is the voice of the maritime civil and naval technology industries in Europe. 

SEA Europe represents the European shipbuilding industry in 15 nations, encompassing the production, maintenance, repair, retrofit and conversion of all types of ships and floating structures, commercial as well as naval, including the full supply chain with the various producers of maritime systems, equipment material, and services.

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Source: Nafs Green