Industry Stakeholders Share Views On Implementing Crew Welfare Initiatives


Exchanging ideas and resources to foster better collaboration among stakeholders is crucial for the widespread implementation of welfare initiatives and the general improvement of various aspects of the maritime industry, experts agreed during a panel discussion at the 2024 Crew Welfare Week.

No Seafarers, No Shipping, No Shopping

“Crew welfare has gained significant attention in recent years, but there is still progress to be made,” stressed Giovanni Tuapin, starting the discussion. The focus is increasingly from the shipowner’s side, who acknowledges that seafarers are prone to stress, isolation, and demanding workloads. The rapid change of technology adds more concerns to seafarers who see AI and new technologies transforming the shipboard environment.

Continuing the discussion, George Pitaoulis said, “ Crew welfare is a very vague and wide idea. It has to be a holistic approach because we are talking about human beings who are disconnected physically from their loved ones. Thus, we need to add welfare elements for all seafarers, even those who are not onboard, as well as their families. We need to look at the whole picture.”

Representing the IMO, Bingbing Song highlighted that seafarers are key to shipping and mentioned key factors such as safety risks, recent crises, emergencies at sea, and fatigue that affect their mental health.

“From my perspective, it’s clear that seafarers are still recovering from the effects of COVID-19. During that time, they faced unprecedented long trips, poor communication with their families, and uncertainties regarding their health. But looking ahead, the challenge of the next five years is the introduction of new alternative fuels,” Jeff Parfitt said.

Key Areas To Address

“Seafarers need to feel valued for their work, and that should be reflected in the salary they receive,” Jeff Parfitt further noted. He added that seafarers also need adequate provision of communication, and quality of life onboard—i.e., good accommodation conditions, quality food, and access to shore leave. These fundamental issues affect the mental health and well-being of seafarers.

Recognition of their valuable work is also important. Seafarers should be respected as they are front-line workers added George Pitaoulis.

“All seafarers have the right to work safely onboard and be free from violence and harassment. This is an area that needs special attention and specific immediate actions to address,” Bingbing Song said.

Leading by example

Considering that some shipowners are doing their best, Carleen asked panelists how others can follow suit. “Shipowners need a budget to start a program. Organizations like the IMO and governments should support their drives for welfare.”

“We need to see more universal enforcement of regulations,” commented Carleen to limit substandard shipping.

Tackling The Imminent Crew Shortage

The imminent seafarer shortage can also be considered an environmental issue, stated Carleen Lyden Walker. She explained that 25% of all US-flagged sailings are currently operating under short crew waivers. This creates an unsafe environment, contributing to the statistic that 90% of all accidents are due to human error. Consequently, this situation increases risks, and challenges, and decreases the safety of shipping today.

George Pitaoulis acknowledged the difficulty in attracting newcomers to join the maritime industry. When people think of a seafaring career, they may perceive it as lacking excitement; they see the paperwork, responsibility, and potential criminalization as burdens. Therefore, many aspects need to change.

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Source: Safety4sea