Industry Voices: Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021


  • This time of the year is always a good opportunity to consider lessons learned and set new year’s resolutions for a new start.
  • Our special column Industry Voices: ‘Goodbye 2020, hello 2021’ aims to provide an overview of this challenging year and set new targets for 2021 to move forward.

Safety4Sea comes out with a special edition with regard to bidding farewell to the year 2020.  It also comes with thoughts of three of the industry voices and their wishes to the shipping world.

Mr. George Teriakidis, DNV GL Area Manager East Med & Black Sea

In this context, we have asked Mr. George Teriakidis, DNV GL Area Manager East Med & Black Sea, to make an assessment of 2020 from his perspective and share his message for the new year across the global community. Among others, he highlights how the pandemic has accelerated our path towards digitalization with remote surveys showing an increase during the last months.

Key ideas from George Teriakidis

Looking at classification, the major industry development of the year has been managing business continuity for our customers during the crisis.

This accelerated the digitalization of shipping and the use of new technologies. DNV GL has been well-prepared on this front.

One of our key areas was making sure that wherever possible, surveys could continue to be delivered – even when a surveyor could not attend the vessel.

During the pandemic DNV GL has used our remote survey scheme through the globally available 24/7 DATE (Direct Access to Technical Experts) services.

Remote survey requests have ramped up significantly, with half of all vessels now having used the service and the number of remote surveys increasing 33%, to over 300 a week.

DNV GL also worked to provide component and material certification (CMC) services remotely where needed during the pandemic.

Mr. Seiichi Gyobu, ClassNK

Mr. Seiichi Gyobu, Corporate Officer, Regional Manager of Eastern Mediterranean Sea and Northern Black Sea at ClassNK to make an assessment of 2020 from his perspective and share his message for the new year across the global community.

Among others, he highlights that the shipping industry has proven its resilience within this year, thanks to the dedication of seafarers and industry professionals.

Key points highlighted by Seiichi Gyobu

Without any doubt, 2020 was a tough year for everyone due to COVID-19. Nevertheless, the shipping sector has not stagnated its actions for climate changes.

We have been witnessing not a few industry-based and cross-industrial approaches aiming for the acceleration of decarbonization, which ClassNK has also taken part in some of them.

While on the regulatory side, MEPC approved draft new mandatory regulations to cut the carbon intensity of existing ships.

2020 should be a noteworthy year to clarify concrete steps in pathways for zero-emission.

Mr. David Hammond, CEO, Human Rights At Sea

In this context, we have asked Mr. David Hammond, CEO, Human Rights At Sea, to make an assessment of 2020 from his perspective and share his message for the new year across the global community.

Among others, he highlights that shipping needs to start comprehensively acknowledging that human rights at sea exist and embed them in policy, legislation, and management activities throughout the supply chain.

Key points highlighted by David Hammond

The much-awaited IMO public acknowledgement on World Human Rights Day 2020  that seafarers have fundamental human rights which must be protected in addition to their labour rights.

This is a mirror reflection of what Human Rights at Sea has been advocating for, for seven years since our inception.

The irony is that it took a pandemic to trigger such public statements under a humanitarian banner.

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Source: Safety4Sea