[Infographic] 5 Beneficial Changes from IMO’s Sulphur Cap


IMO estimates that since 1 January 2020, the entry into effect of the IMO 2020 regulations led to an estimated 77% drop in overall Sulphur Oxide emissions from ships, significantly improving air quality and protecting human health, reports Safety4sea.

Five key changes

#1 Cleaner air

Annual reduction of approximately 8.5 million metric tonnes of SOx

#2 Positive impacts on human health

Premature deaths, cardiovascular, respiratory and pulmonary diseases will all be reduced

#3 Higher quality fuels

The majority of ships will switch to higher quality, low sulphur fuel oil to meet the limit

#4 Ship operators , owners and refineries have adapted

Guidance issued by IMO and other stakeholders to enhance preparedness ahead of the entry into force of Sulphur 2020

#5 Changes for enforcement authorities

Flag and port State control will be making sure ships are compliant

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Source: Safety4sea