[Infographic] 5 New Incidents Against Ships in Singapore Strait


Singapore’s Information Fusion Centre (IFC) published its latest infographic, marking five new incidents against ships in the Singapore Strait as of 12 April 2021.  Let us have a look into it in detail.

Key facts

  • All incidents involving tugs and barges occurred within hours of daylight.
  • Most targeted vessels were transiting in eastbound lane of Traffic Separation Scheme in Singapore Strait.
  • First incident involving tanker reported in 2021. To remind the last one was marked back in November 2020.

Perpetrators usually

  • are in group of average 4-6 pax;
  • use small boats, target slow-moving vessels (7-12knots) with low freeboard; and are non-confrontational.

Perpetrators on cargo ships and bulk carriers

  • May be armed with weapons like knives and steel bars
  • Usually target ship’s engine parts and stores
  • Same group of perpetrators may target few vessels in succession, in same night

Perpetrators on Tugs & Barges

  • Usually unarmed
  • Usually target ship’s parts and scrap metals


  • Remain vigilant, even in daylight hrs; reportsuspicious activities to local authorities immediately and inform IFC.
  • Participate in Voluntary Community Reporting as depicted in MARSEC Charts Q6112 and Q6113.
  • Adopt Ship Protection Measures recommended in the Regional Guide to Counter Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia.

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Source: Safety4Sea