[Infographics] How Age, Gender & Other Factors Determine Seafarers Work Distribution


An interesting data provided by the EU Seafarers Statistics reveals about the age, gender & other factors that determine the distribution of seafarers work.

Distribution by EU Member State

The data in Figure given below shows the distribution of masters and officers as registered by EU Member State.

Distribution by department

The number of masters and officers holding CoCs in each department is presented in the figure given below.  It illustrates that the number of masters and officers entitle to serve in the Deck Department was 45% higher than the number of officers entitled to serve in the Engine Department.  The officers grouped under ‘Alternative Certification’ were reproted as holding a multipurpose capacity.

The chart given below briefs about the distribution by department within each EU Member State.

Distribution by capacity

Taking into account that EU Member States do not use the same terms to refer to capacities in their manning regulations, all capacities reported in the CoCs have been linked to the generic capacities established according to the STCW Convention, in order to establish a common platform for data comparability.  The total number of masters and officers was established by counting each person in his/her highest capacity.

The data in the above pie chart shows that 55.4% of the deck officers were entitled to serve at the management level on ships of 3,000 GT or more, with 1.99% and 1.40% of their CoCs being limited in terms of gross tonnage and area of navigation, respectively.

The data given above shows that 58.64% of the engineer officers were entitled to serve at the management level on ships of 3,000 kW or more, with 4.74%, 33.34% and 4.62% of their CoCs being limited in hterms of propulsion power, type of engine and area of navigation, respectively.

Gender distribution

The review on gender distribution was based on the data provided by 26 EU Member States which had such data available.  Consequently, it covered 179,114 masters and officers representing 85.62% of the total number of officers holding valid CoCs in 2018 at EU level.

Considering the total number of masters and officers whose gender was known, it can be stated that with a level of confidence of 99% that the percentage of female masters and officers was 2.22% ± 0.12% compared to 97.78% ± 0.12% of male masters and officers.

The below pie chart reveals the gender distribution of masters and officers holding CoCs

The information given in the above figure shows that the male masters and officers follow a general distribution by department ( 60% entitled to serve in the Deck Department and 40% entitled to serve in the Engine Department) while most female masters and officers (86.04%) were entitled to serve in the Deck Department.

The above figure deals with the distribution of the capacities of masters and deck officers holding valid CoCs by gender.

The above figure deals with the distribution of the engine capacities of engineer officers holding valid CoCs by gender.

Distribution by nationality

The review of the data received from 28 EU Member States issuing CoCs showed that information on nationality was availabe for 203,208 masters and officers, representing 97.14% pf the total number of officers at EU level holding a CoC.

The above pie chart reveals about the nationality distribution of masters and officers holding valid CoCs.

The above pie chart deals with the nationality distribution of non-EU nationals holding valid CoCs issued by EU Member States by region of origin.

Age distribution

The average age of masters and officers holding valid CoCs was 43.6 (years).  Whereas the under 25 age group counted 6,720 masters and officers, all other age groups had a relatively uniform distribution, each counting between 21,000 and 31,000 masters and officers, which represented 10%-15% of the total number.

The above pie chart deals with the age distribution of masters and officers holding valid CoCs.

The above line chart deals with the age profile of masters and officers holding valide CoCs per department.

The above graph shows the distribution of masters and deck officers holding valid CoCs by age groups.

Distribution of engineer officers holding valid CoCs by age groups.

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Source: EU Seafarers Statistics