Inmarsat Everywhere



In September, Inmarsat launched its third satellite in its Global Xpress constellation and unveiled its new machine-to-machine and the Internet of Things strategy – “the Internet of Everywhere”.   Now, Inmarsat will be able to provide customers with bespoke, end-to-end services which enable operational visibility and control of their fixed and mobile assets – anywhere.

Inmarsat Maritime President, Ronald Spithout mentioned that “Communications are now a fundamental driver of efficiency.  The capacity resulting from high-throughput satellite bandwidth and coverage available via the Global Xpress network will allow Inmarsat to deliver sufficient bandwidth, in a cost effective manner, to handle data flow between ship and shore and vice versa in order to exploit the full potential of big data within the maritime space.”

Inmarsat has built a service layer, called the Inmarsat Gateway, across its network to deliver value-added solutions to the maritime community enabling third-party suppliers, such as engine manufacturers or soft-bridge providers, to build applications that interface with the Inmarsat network.

Source: Inmarsat


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