Insist for Actual Flash Point Values from Supplier, Alerts Viswa Lab


Viswa Group in it’s recent technical update, alerts about identifying 4 fuels with low flashpoint (57, 57, 57 and 59 degC) from the Turkish ports. 

Fuels with low flashpoint

Over the last three weeks, Viswa Lab has identified 4 fuels with low flashpoint (57, 57, 57 and 59 degC)  from the Turkish ports of Ahirkapi, Aliaga and Istanbul. 

All 4 supplies were Low Sulfur distillate fuels (LSMGO). The off-spec fuels were supplied by 2 suppliers. 

Outside SOLAS requirements

This fuel falls outside the SOLAS and ISO 8217 requirements of flash point of 60.00 degC minimum. 

The requirement

As  per SOLAS requirements, the minimum flash point of any fuel carried in the tanks of a ship should be  not less than 60.00 deg C. 

There is no permissible negative tolerance. This applies to any fuel onboard the vessel (with exception of fuel for lifeboats which can be grade DMX with a flash point min of 43 degC). 

Insist for actual values

Viswa Lab suggests insisting on getting the actual flash point values from the supplier, when ordering fuels from Turkey. 

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Source: ViswaLab