Fall of Disconnected Cargo Hose Caused Fatal Injury


The Hellenic Bureau for Marine Casualties Investigation has published the interim report as a part of its marine accident safety investigation regarding the fatal injury of a crew member onboard a cargo vessel.

Summary of events

  • On the 30th of September 2018, M/T Rizopon arrived at the port of Zawia (Libya), loaded with unleaded gasoline. Upon the vessel’s arrival, she was instructed by the Local Port Control Authority to drop anchor and to wait her turn for mooring.
  • On the 2nd of October 2018, M/T Rizopon was instructed to proceed under pilot
    assistance to one of the discharging mooring buoys and more specifically Conventional Buoy Mooring No.2, (monobuoy system), in order to commence the discharging operations. The vessel was safely moored and started the retrieval of the two (02) floating hoses from the sea surface which was completed.
  • On the 3rd of October 2018, while discharging operations were in progress, the
    Master observed that the weather conditions were deteriorating, so he decided in
    consultation with the Loading Master to call off the cargo operations and leave the C.B.M.
  • The Loading Master informed the Terminal and the Master instructed the crew respectively in order to stop the discharging operation, disconnect and release the two (02) cargo hoses and to set the vessel’s engine in standby mode.
  • At 02:45, the 2nd Officer on duty, the Bosun and five (05) crewmembers started the hose disconnection, under the loading Master’s guidance. The first discharging hose was disconnected and released uneventfully into the sea.
  • At 03:12 the second hose was disconnected from the manifolds and hoisted by the vessel’s crane. By that time, two (02) ABs were releasing the securing ropes from the vessel’s rail and the crane operator (Bosun) was ready to lower the cargo hose into the sea.
  • Suddenly, the anchoring point of the disconnected cargo hose where the ship’s sling was
    secured to hoist the hose, parted. Due to the fact that the hose head is the heavier part of the hose, where the valve and blind flange are fitted, it bent and felt uncontrolled onto the manifolds passageway.
  • The falling cargo hose struck heavily on the helmet and practically on the head of the AB that was positioned between the manifolds and the rails and was assigned to release the securing rope causing fatal injuries. He collapsed unconscious on the deck.
  • The Master Immediately informed the local Port Authorities and requested medical assistance. Following, it was assessed that the casualty was not responding and had no vital signs. At 13:12 the Local Authorities and a medical team boarded the vessel. The medical team confirmed the death of the AB and his body was transferred ashore.

Investigation report

The analysis of the evidence and information collected is under process, in order to determine the conditions and the contributing factors that led to the examined very serious marine casualty.

Such factors may include, poor judgment; inadequate risk assessment.

Preparation of the draft safety report underway

A draft safety Investigation report is under preparation and is expected to be finalized shortly and circulated to involved and interested parties for consultation.

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Source: HellenicBureauforMarineCasualitiesInvestigation