InterManager Appoints New President



InterManager, the third party and in-house ship management association, has appointed Bjørn Jebsen as its President with immediate effect.

Mr Jebsen, who was elected unopposed at today’s InterManager AGM in Singapore, succeeds Gerardo Borromeo, Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Philippine Transmarine Carriers, who steps down after four years at the helm.

Speaking during his first address as President, Mr Jebsen said:

“I am a strong believer in the overall objective of InterManager, which is to improve the image of shipping, the position of ship managers and to support the careers of seafarers.  I am looking forward to encouraging a cohesive dialogue between ship managers, owners and other stakeholders to build a sustainable future for our industry.”

Mr Jebsen is Chief Executive Officer of Jebsens, one of the oldest family-run shipping companies, with over 220 onshore personnel and over 8,000 seafarers in its pool serving the global shipping industry.  Outgoing President Mr Borromeo has represented InterManager on the world maritime stage, and has placed the importance of InterManager as a global shipping association firmly at the heart of his work.  Mr Borromeo will continue as a Vice Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping, as a member of the Executive Board of the World Maritime University and as Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Philippine Transmarine Carriers, Inc. (PTC), one of the largest crew management companies in the Philippines, with a total pool of 45,000 maritime professionals.

Speaking of his Presidency, Mr Borromeo said: “As I step down and hand the reins of the Association over, I remain confident that the efforts that have pushed InterManager forward over the past four years, even in very trying times, will further strengthen the Association’s position in this dynamic global industry.”

Welcoming Mr Jebsen’s appointment, Capt Kuba Szymanski, Secretary-General of InterManager said: “We believe that Mr Jebsen will bring a strong and commendable leadership to the Association and continue the values and agendas that InterManager strives to deliver within the global shipping community.  Mr Jebsen will be supported by four Vice Presidents, who will together help ensure we are meeting our members’ expectations.”

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Source: InterManager