Is Your Ship Safe Against Cyber Attacks?


New online tool to assess the safety of ship against cyber attacks.


The Maritime industry is increasingly dependent on programmable control systems.  This dependency increases risk and demands Cyber Security.  The growth of IT and communication system in shipping industry equally raises the concern for the risks involved in a cyber attack.  The security providers- both industry and private organisations highlighted the risks faced by the marine industry.

The cyber security concerns will catch the main focus in the Annual conference of the world’s largest Shipping Association, Bimco.

“Two years ago, cyber security was just not on the radar for the shipping industry. Since then, we have seen global corporate brands — including Sony — hit the headlines when they fell victim to cyber attacks,” said Aron Sørensen, head of Bimco’s marine department.

“New technologies, increasing automation and the inevitability of the autonomous ship will make shipping more efficient but such developments come with serious cyber threats.  Critical systems could be prevented from functioning, resulting in a collision, pollution and environmental damage and possibly the ship being redirected,”  says Joseph Carson Head of cyber security, ESC Global Security,

A new interactive online tool is available to know how close is your business to the risk of hacks and breaches.  This tool can measure the five criterias:

  1. Identify,
  2. Protect,
  3. Detect,
  4. Respond and
  5. Recover.

Check your ships safety in Cyber Security Assessment,

Source: Seatrade