It’s a Crash Due to Restricted Visibility! What can You Say?


Thanks to VesselFinder, It’s a graphics animation based video representation of the collision between Delphis Gdansk and BBC Neptune in which BBC Neptune sustained damages in the forward part of the ship.

Wogden 700

Looks like the Delphi started to make a turn across the bows of both northbound ships, then changed his mind, barely missing the first ship, but the BBC had started to take evasive action, possibly unable to see the Delphi clearly behind the other ship and unaware the Delphi had returned to her original heading.

ankur the trouble maker

It was an restricted visibility … And yeah like what to do when its a bad things day bad will happen ..

Thomas Boolsen

Port turns from both … What can you say?

Disclaimer: This video is intended for informational purpose only. This may not be construed as a news item or advice of any sort. Please consult the experts in that field for the authenticity of the presentations.

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Source: Vessel Finder