It’s an Intering™ Anti-heeling Systems


The air- or pump-activated inclination equalising systems operating during loading and unloading, in order to keep heel as low as possible. The Intering anti-heeling system uses a constant pneumatic air purge and regulating valve system to force air into the top of one tank while venting the other one on the other side. This rapidly transfers water from one side of the vessel to the other, creating a righting moment which compensates for heeling forces. Systems up to 5000 tm/min are in operation and can be supplied as either stand alone air blower-activated, combined with tank stabilizers, pump-activated, with dedicated heeling pump or integrated into the ballast system.

On the train ferry MECKLENBURG VORPOMMERN, three air blowers, 350kW in total, ensure that the heel is limited to less than 1deg when 600t trains are shunting at 6 km/h. This requires immediate reaction on the heel and fulfilment of a high water transfer capacity. Frequent current peaks by motor starts are avoided since the blowers are running permanently during operation. Four heeling tanks provide a total anti-heeling moment of 7780tm. The system operates with no moving parts in contact with water, which guarantees extremely high reliability and little maintenance. At sea, the system is also used for wind list compensation.

The ferry SCHLESWIG HOLSTEIN is fitted with the Intering anti-heeling system. The system is powered by two root-type air blowers, 84kW each, to compensate for a 290t train shunting within 0.7 minutes. The capacity of the tanks provides 1830tm anti-heeling moment. Four remote control panels are fitted on the bridges and near each bow visor. The Intering stability test system allows the crew to check out the actual stability of the loaded ship.

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