IUMI Reports on Recent IMO Meetings



Report on the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC70)

The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) met on 24 to 28 October 2016 in London.  IUMI was represented by Hendrike Kühl and Nick Gooding.  The main outcomes of the meeting were:

Adoption of mandatory data collection system for fuel oil consumption

The MEPC adopted mandatory MARPOL Annex VI requirements for ships to record and report its fuel oil consumption.

Under the amendments, ships of 5,000 gross tonnage and above will be required to collect consumption data for each type of fuel oil they use.  The aggregated data will be reported to the Flag State after the end of each calendar year and the Flag State will issue a certificate of Compliance to the ship.  Flag States will be required to subsequently transfer this data to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), who will produce an annual report to the MEPC.

Roadmap for reducing GHG emissions approved

The Committee approved a roadmap for developing a comprehensive IMO strategy on the reduction of green-house gas (GHG) emissions from ships, which foresees an initial GHG reduction strategy to be adopted in 2018.  More will take place running up to 2023 and will include short-, mid-, and long-term further measures, together with implementation schedules.  The project work will be done by an intersessional working group.

Energy efficiency of international shipping

The report of a correspondence group on the status of technological developments relevant to implementing Phase Two (1 Jan 2020-31 Dec 2024) of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) regulations was considered by the Committee. Following discus- sions in a working group, which reviewed the status of technological developments relevant to implementing phase two of EEDI requirements from 2020, the Committee agreed to retain the phase two requirements and on the need for a thorough review of EEDI phase three (1 January 2025 and onwards) requirements, and look at the possibility of establishing a phase four.  Currently, phase three requirements provide that new ships are to be 30% more energy efficient compared to the baseline.  Data received by the IMO Secretariat identifies that so far more than 1,900 ships have been certified as complying with the new energy efficiency design standards.

2020 global sulphur cap implementation date decided

The Committee confirmed 1 January 2020 as the implementation date for a significant reduction in the sulphur content of the fuel oil used by ships.

The decision to implement a global sulphur cap of 0.50% m/m (mass/mass) in 2020 represents a significant cut from the 3.5% m/m global limit currently in place.

Implementation of the BWM Convention – Revised guidelines for approval of ballast water management systems adopted The conditions for entry into force of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) 2004, were met on 8 September 2016 and consequently the treaty will enter into force on 8 September 2017.

The meeting adopted revised guidelines for approval of ballast water management systems (G8), which update the guidelines issued in 2008.

The MEPC recommended application of the revised guidelines (G8) as soon as possible and agreed that BWMS installed on ships on or after 28 October 2020 should be approved taking into account the revised guidelines.  Systems installed prior to that date could be approved using the existing guidelines or the revised guidelines.

With regard to the implementation date of the BWM Convention, the proposed draft amendments to regulation B-3 of the Convention relating to the time scale for implementation of its requirements had been previously approved at the last session of the Committee (MEPC 69) for circulation upon entry into force of the Convention.  The draft amendments would provide for compliance with regulation D-2 (Ballast water performance standard) of the Convention by a ship’s first renewal survey following entry into force.

A proposal for alternative draft amendments which would allow for compliance by the second renewal survey in certain circum- stances was put forward.  It was agreed that the alternative proposal would be debated at the next Committee session (MEPC 71) in mid-2017.

The new NOx standard (continued)

The primary treatment includes internal measures.  The most important one is the recirculation of exhaust gas (EGR) in the com- bustion air and the use of water, either by direct injection (DWI) in the combustion chamber or by using fuel-water emulsions (FEW). These measures are designed to reduce the combustion temperature.  Furthermore, the control of the fuel injection can have significant effects.

The post treatment targets the removal of NOx from the exhaust gasses before they leave the funnel.  These systems are based on catalytic reduction (SCR).

The primary treatment options are particularly challenging to the engine.  The methods to reduce the combustion temperature could cause less optimal engine performance, smoke formations and fouling of the engine.  The use of fuel-water emulsions causes increased mechanical stress to the fuel injection system due to the higher pressures.  Also, corrosion on the inside of the system could be a problem.

Engine builders have had ample time to design and develop NOx emission reducing equipment.  Already worldwide many ships are fitted with the equipment and the experiences have, in general, been positive.  Still the required equipment will be challenging to the engineers on board, both from an operational as well as a maintenance perspective.

IMO Sub-Committee for the Carriage of Cargoes & Containers (CCC3)

The IMO Sub-Committee for Carriage of Cargoes and Containers met in London on 5 to 9 September.  IUMI was represented by Hendrike Kühl and Nick Gooding.  Matters of interest for marine insurers are reported below.

Draft interim recommendations for the carriage of liquefied hydrogen in bulk endorsed

The Sub-Committee endorsed draft Interim recommendations for the carriage of liquefied hydrogen in bulk, for submission to the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) 97th session, for approval.

The draft interim recommendations have been developed as the International Gas Carrier (IGC) Code does not specify require- ments for liquefied hydrogen in bulk.  The new draft highlights general requirements and special requirements for liquefied hydrogen, such as the provision of a portable hydrogen detector for each crew member working in the cargo area; selection of fire detectors for detecting hydrogen fire, and appropriate safety measures to prevent formation of explosive mixture in the case of a leakage of hydrogen.

IMSBC Code matters

The Sub-Committee reviewed the report of a Correspondence Group on Evaluation of Properties of Bauxite and Coal, in light of their potential to liquefy.

The Sub-Committee endorsed a draft revised individual schedule for coal.  The draft amendments to the schedule point out that coal may liquefy if shipped at a moisture content in excess of its transportable moisture limit (TML) and state that due consideration shall be given to moisture migration and the formation of dangerous wet base when blended coals are loaded.

The Sub-Committee noted that a Global Bauxite Working Group (GBWG) has been established by the Australian, Brazilian and Chinese bauxite research groups, with the aim of ensuring industry research on the behaviour of bauxite during shipping is globally applicable. In light of this information the Sub-Committee established a Correspondence Group on Evaluation of Properties of Bauxite.

With regard to cargoes that may liquefy, the Sub-Committee finalised draft amendments to paragraphs 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 of the IMSBC Code.  These emphasise the responsibility of the shipper for ensuring a test to determine the transportable moisture limit (TML) of a solid bulk cargo, as well as sampling and testing for moisture content, are conducted, for submission to MSC 97 as an urgent matter, with a view to approve and subsequently adopt by MSC 98 together with the next set of amendments to the IMSBC Code.

Safety of ships using methyl/ethyl alcohol as fuel

The IGF Code Correspondence Group was tasked with further developing draft technical provisions for the safety of ships using methyl/ethyl alcohol as fuel.

High rate of compliance with SOLAS requirements for the verification of the gross mass of a packed container reported The World Shipping Council (WSC) reported on the experience of WSC member companies with the new SOLAS requirement for the gross mass of a packed container to be verified before it is loaded onto a ship.  The amendments to SOLAS regulation VI/2 came into force on 1 July 2016 and require the verified gross mass (VGM) of each packed container to be provided by the shipper prior to loading.

The WSC informed the Sub-Committee that a high number of packed containers – 95% or more – were being accompanied by VGM information prior to initial vessel loading; the rate of compliance has steadily increased since 1 July and is expected to continue to rise.  There is a high degree of awareness amongst supply chain parties about the VGM requirements, with carriers systematically engaging with shippers who were still not providing VGM information.

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Source: IUMI (By Nick Gooding FCII, IUMI Alternate Officer at IMO)