Julie Lithgow Named “WISTA-UK Woman Of The Year”



Julie Lithgow, Director of Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, has been recognised as the “WISTA-UK Woman of the Year” by the Executive Committee of WISTA-UK.

This is in recognition of her tireless efforts to promote the Institute’s mission and its relevance to the IMO’s theme for the 2015 World Maritime Day celebrations.

Sue Terpilowski OBE, WISTA-UK President, acknowledged that Julie takes education and training very seriously and is a passionate advocate of wholesome education for all, in order to uplift the standards of the shipping industry as well as the professional qualifications of those linked with the industry.  It is, on the basis of these qualifications that hundreds of people apply and obtain their first jobs and this is their first exposure to the commercial shipping world and the ethics  of the people in the industry.

The  Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, has for the past one century, been offering qualifying exams in 16 subjects.  It also offers subsidised exam fees of less than £100 per exam in over 100 different countries where, more than 5000 students benefit from it each year.

Julie Lithgow personally believes that training and qualifications must be made universally accessible to all.  She was thankful to the WISTA-UK for the award was not only a recognition of her work in education and training but also proves the importance of promoting education among women around the world.

Adding to it, Julie said, “Last year we supported 5,000 students in their ambitions and aspirations, whether rich and poor, male and female, ship owner or second officer.  Our students are special people – they are curious about our industry and want to learn more.  They are tenacious in studying alongside busy jobs, and families.  And they are courageous, brave enough to take exams and show that they have the knowledge.”

Source: WISTA-UK