“K” Line To Promote CO2 Free Hydrogen Implementation


The Kobe/Kansai Hydrogen Utilization Council (hereinafter, ”Council”), in which Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.(hereinafter ‘“K” LINE)participates as a member, has prepared a report entitled “Kobe/Kansai Hydrogen Utilization Council Report -Organizing a Future Vision for a Hydrogen Society and Quantifying Supply and Demand-”, says a press release published on “K” Line website.

Overview KobeKansai Hydrogen Utilization Council Report

Future vision

The Council has formulated a future vision for the Kobe/Kansai area, and estimated the potential hydrogen demand, supply volume and price based on this vision. The Council subsequently quantified the hydrogen supply chain around 2030, identified potential issues, and formulated an action plan for realizing its vision.

Through the activities of this council, “K” LINE Group will promote social implementation of CO2 free hydrogen and contribute to the realization of carbon-free society.

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Source: KLine