Keppel’s S$160m Scrubber and BWTS Contracts


Keppel secures over 100 scrubber and BWTS retrofit projects worth S$160m in 2019, says a press release published on their website.

Scrubbers and BWTS projects

Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M) has clinched 104 scrubber and ballast water treatment systems (BWTS) retrofit orders worth a combined value of about S$160 million for the year-to-date. 

This brings the total number of retrofit projects secured to date to 108 scrubber and 97 BWTS projects.

Reason for increase in demand

With the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) 

  • 2020 regulation to cap the sulphur content of marine fuel at no more than 0.5%, and 
  • the standards set out by the Ballast Water Management Convention,

there has been an increase in demand from ship owners for exhaust cleaning scrubber systems that limit sulphur emissions and BWTS system solutions. 

Complex installations

Mr Chor How Jat, Managing Director (Conversions & Repairs) of Keppel O&M said, Installation of scrubbers and BWTS can be highly complex and there has been strong demand worldwide to meet regulatory deadlines. 

Keppel’s quick delivery

Backed by extensive experience in conversion and retrofitting work, Keppel’s ability to deliver quick, safe and reliable vessel turnarounds has made us an attractive choice for clients keen to meet their tight timelines. 

Successful scrubber installation 

“We completed Singapore’s first scrubber installation last year in under 30 days and we were also the first shipyard in Singapore to successfully undertake a BWTS retrofit project back in 2013.”      

How does Keppel work?

To expedite the retrofit process, Keppel conducts

  • early customer engagement and
  • preparation work, including
    • the utilisation of 3D scanning technology,
    • completion of detailed engineering and
    • prefabrication of modules before the vessel arrives,

so that the vessel’s time spent in the shipyard is minimised.

No material impact

The above contracts are not expected to have a material impact on the net tangible assets or earnings per share of Keppel Corporation Limited for the current financial year. 

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Source: Keppel