Kongsberg Maritime gets DNV-GL certification for three of their engine room simulator models.


Kongsberg Maritime provides innovative technological solutions for the maritime sector including offshore, subsea and naval  sectors.  With global operations, sales and services in 20 countries, Kongsberg Maritime is headquartered in Kongsberg, Norway.  Kongsberg Maritime is a part of Kongsberg Gruppen, a 200-year old knowledge- based group.


Photo: courtesy of Kongsberg Maritime AS

Kongsberg Maritime has recently received DNV-GL Maritime Simulator Systems certification for three of its latest engine room simulator models.  These are specifically designed to provide detailed training on the K-Sim Engine Simulator platform.

The certification is awarded to models matching the requirements stipulated in the STCW convention and as per regulation I/12.  Based on the above, the certifications were awarded to DE88 Oil Rig, the DE66 Drill Ship and M42 AHTS (Anchor Handling Tug & Supply) K-Sim Engine models in June 2015.

The development of these models was made along with Maersk, in order to meet the training needs of the new generation deepwater drilling units.  The training was provided at Maersk’s own MOSAIC training centre in Denmark.  According to Maersk Training Instructor Per Larsen, the accuracy and fidelity of the engine room models are vital in order to provide full vessel training, also known as Crew ‘Resource Management (CRM) training.   He reiterates that, in events like fuel contamination, everyone involved in the operation on board has to react to keep the vessel safe.

Maersk Training is also one of several global users of K-Sim Engine model.  The main objective of the model is to impart full understanding of the vessel’s configurations including its 4 main engines, two propellers, and four shaft generators with electrical transmission to switch boards and thrusters.

Leif Pentti Halvorsen, the Product Manager at Kongsberg Maritime said, “the latest approvals, reflect the accuracy and pedagogical values of our latest engine room models, which have been designed to provide training for engineers whilst also being part of CRM exercises through the integration of K-Sim Engine with, among other KONGSBERG simulators, K-Sim Offshore and K-Sim Navigation.”