Kongsberg Maritime Launches Decision Support Tool For Vessel Optimisation


An intelligent and dynamic decision support system for optimising a variety of vessel operations has been introduced by Kongsberg Maritime under the name EcoAdvisorTM.

Intelligent Efficiency

In order to develop technologies to monitor and lower GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions during vessel operations, Kongsberg Maritime, vessel operator DOF Subsea AS (DOF), Sintef, NORCE, and Innovation Norway collaborated on a research project called “Intelligent Efficiency” that resulted in EcoAdvisorTM.

The dynamics of the control system, power production, propulsion, and environmental influences are all monitored by EcoAdvisorTM while the vessel is in operation. Operators may reduce fuel, emissions, and maintenance expenses using EcoAdvisorTM, all while maintaining vessel operational effectiveness and redundancy margins.

The shipping sector is under pressure to operate as sustainably as possible due to new laws, and EcoAdvisorTM offers real-time guidance on how ship owners can minimise their carbon footprint while lowering OPEX.


“EcoAdvisor™ creates an intelligent and comprehensive overview of all these factors, delivering advice that enables efficient, cost-effective and sustainable solutions to be made without compromising vessel redundancy margin. Further, the history log and reporting functions in EcoAdvisor™ can be used to determine the Energy Efficiency of the Existing Ship Index (LEXI), the Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) to ensure compliance with the IMO.”

EcoAdvisorTM functions by gathering and analysing real-time data from numerous onboard systems. These consist of navigation and power management systems, dynamic positioning (DP), and integrated automation systems (IAS) (PMS). In order to determine the best configuration of the power plant for the current climatic circumstances, taking into account the demand from various consumers such as thrusters, mission equipment, and hotel loads, this data is passed via a non-linear optimisation solver. Based on their efficiency and power loss, the best load reference for engines and state of charge reference for batteries are calculated.

The Captain, DP operator, and Chief Engineer receive operational guidance based on this study regarding which equipment (engines, batteries, and thrusters) can be halted to operate the vessel more sustainably and efficiently. This advice is dynamic; if a change in the power plant system, DP system, or mean weather conditions (wind, wave, and current) is identified, EcoAdvisor’s recommendations will be updated accordingly. Every recommendation is accompanied by a system overview that explains why the changes are desirable, how they will affect the balance between efficiency and redundancy margin, and how they will really affect the system.

Extra assistance

For transit operations, EcoAdvisorTM has a Voyage Energy Calculator (VEC) tool. With the aid of extra resistance from wind, waves, and current for chosen routes based on the weather forecast, the operator may calculate the overall energy consumption for different speed profiles. As a result, operators can choose the pace that will get them where they need to go while using the least amount of fuel energy possible for a given journey.

In order to maximise the use of generators, thrusters, and the power plant configuration while maintaining and ensuring safety during DP operations, DOF is currently running “Intelligent Efficiency” pilot schemes on two vessels (Skandi Vega & Skandi Africa), and they are anticipating encouraging results from these.


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Source: Kongsberg