Legacy Will Always Be A Mixed Cloud World – IT Leaders


  • The modern reality is legacy tech isn’t going anywhere.
  • But there’s no need for it to be a case of one or the other.
  • The hybrid future The potential for hybrid IT is huge, and with so many capabilities, it’s time all the fear-mongering in the IT sector that a business can’t be successful if it still has legacy tech is put to bed.

Almost every company that manages its own IT infrastructure has had conversations regarding outdated technology in recent years. This means that the frequently recommended rip-and-replace method is not what IT leaders should be undertaking, as a comprehensive IT infrastructure upgrade is a dangerous enterprise that can be quite difficult as reported by IT Brief.

Modern reality

The modern reality is legacy tech isn’t going anywhere.

Still, it can also deliver on a host of other benefits, providing businesses with a scalable data infrastructure solution on an operational expenditure (OPEX) basis.

For years the discussion has been focused on cloud or legacy updates.

But there’s no need for it to be a case of one or the other.

However, a big part of making the information residing on legacy tech accessible and usable for the right people at the right time comes down to automating the integration process between the legacy systems and modern cloud platforms.

Introducing automation

Integration is an obvious approach, but the traditional manual, time and resource-intensive options just aren’t feasible for modern enterprises.

Modern, low-code, self-service integration tools that harness the power of AI are the answer.

They work to not only improve the flow of data within an organisation but also transform how business users can leverage data as part of their day-to-day work.

Teams will then never miss an opportunity to engage and delight a customer, exactly when and where needed.

This approach can also help ensure compliance across the whole system by managing the data on legacy infrastructure to maintain compliance but still make that information accessible and useable for the right parts of the business at the right time.

The hybrid future

The potential for hybrid IT is huge, and with so many capabilities, it’s time all the fear-mongering in the IT sector that a business can’t be successful if it still has legacy tech Is put to bed.

However, making it work means investing in new technologies that can deliver a more secure and intuitive experience or are more flexible to accommodate modern working demands.

Organisations need to stop worrying about their legacy tech; it is not and will not be going away.

Instead, take confidence in the new IT balance.

Welcome to the hybrid cloud world… forever.

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Source: IT Brief