Lesson Learned: The Impact of Oxygen Deficiency in Cargo Holds


  • Duty AB fell into the aft access trunk of cargo hold no. 6, resulting in fatal injuries.
  • The fall was likely caused by an oxygen-deficient atmosphere in the trunk, possibly due to copper concentrate cargo.
  • The company initiated fleet-wide safety measures and revised procedures for enclosed space entry.

During cargo discharging on October 12, 2021, a duty AB was assigned to check mooring arrangements. He was found dead in the aft access trunk of the cargo hold an hour later. The cause of death was a brain hemorrhage, likely from falling, reports MSIU.

What Happened

The second officer had asked the AB to check the forward mooring. The AB entered the aft access trunk, possibly due to confusion or intention to clean.

The trunk contained oxygen-deficient air, potentially from copper concentrate cargo, which could have caused the AB to lose consciousness and fall.

Why It Happened

The AB may have been unaware of the risks associated with confined spaces and copper concentrate.

The symbolic “Danger! Confined Space” warning did not deter him from entering.

The atmosphere inside the trunk may have lacked oxygen, causing the fall.


The AB died from a fall inside the cargo hold.

The company did not find defects in the trunk’s structure.

The incident highlighted the need for better awareness of confined space hazards.

Safety Actions

  1. Fleet-wide safety messages, including training on confined space entry.
  2. Pre-boarding safety briefings and inclusion of safety protocols in quarterly seminars.
  3. Revised procedures for cargo loading/discharging, including safety officer briefings before operations.


  1. Improved awareness training for crew members about the hazards of confined spaces.
  2. Enhanced safety barriers or systems to prevent entry into hazardous areas.

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Source: MSIU