Lessons Learned: Crew Scalded by Fuel Oil Aboard Cargo Ship


Two Romanian crew of a bulk carrier that anchored at the Jimah Energy Ventures (JEV) Terminal, Port Dickson, were scalded due to exposure to fuel oil while on duty in the ship’s engine room, reports Transport Malta.

What happened?

On the evening of 07 April 2021, Rapallo was berthed at Port Dickson, Malaysia. The fourth engineer and an oiler were tasked with the internal transfer of fuel oil.

At one point in time, the oiler on duty heard a strange noise. On investigating, he found that fuel oil was spilling around the engine-control room platform. The fire alarm had activated, and the accident was reported to the master. When the chief officer went to assist in the engine-room, he noticed that both the fourth engineer and the oiler had suffered burns from the hot fuel oil. First aid was immediately provided and eventually, both crew members were transferred to a local hospital.

Upon inspection of the engine room, it was observed that the fuel oil spillage originated from an open manhole cover on fuel oil settling tank no. 1. The MSIU has made one recommendation to the Company, designed to keep track of internal fuel oil transfers on board.

Safety actions taken

During the safety investigation, the Company took the following measures to prevent similar accidents on board its vessels:

  • A safety meeting was conducted on board with all engineers to discuss the accident.
  • The accident information was shared with all vessels under the Company’s management.
  • The FOMP was updated to include instructions on the necessary actions when the settling and service fuel oil tanks’ level indicators are inoperative.
  • The ‘Engine Room Machinery Operation’ procedure was updated to include a policy on the use of service/settling tanks on vessels fitted with two service tank arrangements.
  • The ‘Engine Room Machinery Operation’ procedure was updated to include precautionary measures and checks to be taken before a service/settling fuel oil tank is put in service after prolonged idle periods.
  • A plan has been agreed to ensure that the injured crew members receive additional training on SMS procedures and soft skills prior to signing on board Company vessels.


The company is recommended to:

07/2022_R1 Instruct its fleet to maintain a record of all internal fuel oil transfers carried out on board.

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Source: Transport Malta