Lessons Learned: Parting of Lifeboat/Tender Fall Wire


Transport Malta reports of the parting of lifeboat/tender fall wire in position on a passenger ship.

What happened?

On 29 October 2021, whilst the passenger was at anchor at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, lifeboat/tender no. 11 was lowered and released at sea.

While heaving up the davit’s floating blocks without the boat, the forward fall wire broke, causing the block to fall into the water. No injuries were reported.

The safety investigation concluded that the fall wire sustained tensile overload, leading to the parting of the wire.

Considering the actions taken by the vessel’s managers, the MSIU has issued no recommendations.

Actions taken

During the safety investigation, the Company took the following safety actions:

  • the internal investigation report was shared with the officers and engineers on board and the lessons learned formed part of subsequent hand-over notes;
  • the manufacturer’s guidelines on the operation of the lifeboat/tender were reviewed by the maintenance team;
  • the launching procedures and guidance posters were displayed on all lifeboats’ winch landing areas;
  • all maintenance jobs were required to be communicated in advance and reviewed/approved by the staff captain and the chief engineer;
  • the safety officer was required to consult all departments on the launching, recovery, and maintenance operations.


In view of the actions already taken, the MSIU has made no recommendation to the Company.

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Source: Transport Malta