Lessons Learned: Progressive Flooding Leads to Tanker Sinking


In a recent maritime incident, a fully loaded tanker succumbed to progressive flooding and ultimately sank after departing despite severe weather warnings, reports the Nautical Institute.

What happened?

A fully loaded tanker tragically sank due to progressive flooding shortly after departing, despite unfavorable weather forecasts. Early alarms from the bow thruster compartment were dismissed as false, allowing water to infiltrate unnoticed. The flooding later reached the windlass motor room, exacerbating the situation. Incomplete Loadcom stability simulations misled the crew into believing the vessel was seaworthy. Efforts to correct the ship’s heeling failed, forcing abandonment. All crew members were rescued, but the chief officer tragically passed away en route to the hospital.

This incident highlights the critical importance of vigilant monitoring and accurate stability assessments in maritime operations.

Lessons learned

  • It is best practice to plug spurling pipes prior to bad weather and keep chain locker access hatches closed and dogged.
  • Ensure your vessel is 100% seaworthy – battened down doors and hatches for all seas.
  • Know your ship and the tools available to you, among others the load computer.

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Source: The Nautical Institute