LNG Shipbuilding Industry Heading to Huge Oversupply – Climate Analytics


A new report from the NGO Solutions for Our Climate (SFOC) has argued that ‘a massive oversupply of LNG shipping capacity is being planned well into the future’, reports Climate Analytics.

Massive oversupply of LNG shipping capacity

The report updates analysis undertaken last year looking at the required – and planned – shipping capacity for future LNG trade under the International Energy Agency (IEA) scenarios. According to the SFOC, the LNG shipbuilding industry ‘appears to be doubling down on building new carriers’, with ‘an increase of 16 million cubic metres (cbm) of planned shipping capacity since last year’s report’.

The analysis was undertaken by Climate Analytics and sponsored by SFOC.

Click here to download the SFOC/Climate Analytics report Still Adrift: Updated assessment of the global energy transition’s impact on the LNG shipbuilding industry and here to access the IEA Net Zero Roadmap; A Global Pathway to Keep the 1.5C Goal in Reach.

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Source: Climate Analytics