LPG Tanker Collides!


According to an article published in Fleetmon, an LPG tanker collided with a fishing vessel.

What happened?

The LPG tanker ‘ANNIE GAS 09’ collided with fishing vessel TH 90282 in Gulf of Tonkin SSE of Haiphong at around 0130 UTC Jun 9, while en route from Dongguan to Haiphong, Vietnam.

Fishing vessel understood sank, of 7 crew 3 were rescued, 4 are missing.

Tanker identified as RED risk

IMRRA, FleetMon’s official Vessel Risk Rating Partner, risk assessed this tanker as having a RED risk rating, with a specific risk rating of 50% (04-JUN-19), compared to the fleet average 36%.

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Source: Fleetmon