LR Launches Maritime First Artificial Intelligence Register


  • The AI Register helps the maritime industry embrace technology advances in artificial intelligence (AI).
  • AI Register has been developed to signpost proven and reliable AI technology to help maritime stakeholders benefit from the latest applications.
  • LR’s Digital Compliance framework has four distinct stages, with each stage delivering a unique benefit to both digital twin developer and end user of a digital twin. 

The AI Register helps the maritime industry embrace technology advances in artificial intelligence (AI), says an article published on Lloyd’s register website. 

Launch an AI Register

Lloyd’s Register (LR) has launched an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Register, a standardised digital register of LR certified AI providers and solutions, a first of its kind for the maritime industry.

AI technology, the engineered systems that have hardware and software elements that mimic human capacity for observing, understanding and decision-making, is continuing to grow in maritime with applications ranging from digital twins, virtual commissioning and autonomous navigation systems. 

To support this uptake in technology, LR’s AI Register has been developed to signpost proven and reliable AI technology to help maritime stakeholders benefit from the latest applications.

“LR’s new AI Register, the first of its kind for the maritime industry, has been designed to help maritime stakeholders find safe and proven providers and solutions, so they can successfully benefit from these technology advances, by ultimately improving business outcomes and competitive advantage,” Joseph Morelos, Technology Innovation Manager at LR, added.

Use of AI Register in maritime industry 

The AI Register will assist maritime stakeholders in finding appropriate providers and solutions for business challenges, minimising the risk and cost of investing in AI technology. AI providers can also use the Register to assess existing technology and solutions from the market.

Each AI solution entered into the LR AI Register will be categorised against their LR certification status, such as Digital Twin Ready, Digital Twin Approved, Digital Twin Commissioned and Digital Twin Live from LR’s ShipRight Digital Compliance framework. 

The AI Register will also provide details about what the specific solution offers, such as key business benefits, target applications, functions, and performance.

The AI providers currently listed in LR’s AI Register include Furuno, HAT Analytics, Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE), Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI), Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) and ZhenDui Industrial Artificial Intelligence (ZDIAI).

Theodoros Katemidis, Managing Director of Furuno Hellas, said “As a leading manufacturer of electronic equipment and systems in the marine industry, we strongly believe that AI technology is critical to making our products deliver the best performance at the lowest life cycle cost. The AI Register articulates the value of our AI technology to both existing and potential clients enabling their buying decision. Furuno’s Remote Monitoring & Troubleshooting Platform called HermAce, Cyber Security certified by LR, includes an AI-enabled digital twin of the voyage data recorder, with plans to generate more AI applications for maritime in the near future.”

Focus on delivering tangible benefits to customers

This announcement is underpinned by LR’s digital strategy that is focused on delivering tangible benefits to our customers and partners, helping them to drive business outcomes through the safe and appropriate adoption of new technologies. 

Our digital solutions enable clients to optimise the performance of their assets, their people, and their business, while opening new opportunities for growth. 

Our pathway aligns with what matters most to customers, in line with what technical solutions are right: we take a customer led approach.

LR’s ShipRight Digital Compliance framework 

LR’s Digital Compliance framework has four distinct stages, with each stage delivering a unique benefit to both digital twin developer and end user of a digital twin. 

  • “Digital Twin Ready” Developer capability assessment. Evaluates a developer’s systems engineering approach, including their software engineering practices relevant to the development and sustainment of digital twins through-out their life cycle. 
  • “Digital Twin Approved” Independent verification of specific digital twin(s). Defines and bounds the capability and limitations of each digital twin under review. Sequentially applies a requirements-based verification of the digital twin, initially via independent analysis then moving to different forms of verification testing. 
  • “Digital Twin Commissioned” Risk-based resiliency analysis of specific digital twins and their supporting system. Selection and analysis of specific high-consequence false negative events i.e. a digital twin fails to detect a high-consequence failure under coverage. The false negative event is reversed engineered to identify issues such as cyber security vulnerabilities, human factors, etc. and how these can contribute, propagate the false negative event(s) allowing design changes and/or operational mitigations.
  • “Digital Twin Live” Validation of specific digital twin(s). Monitors the real-world performance of digital twins initially via controlled introduction into service then continuously via event-based validation of fault detection and diagnostics insights. Validation confirms the reproducibility of correct, accurate digital twin insights including their statistical relevance as the digital twin is scaled via installation across hundreds/thousands of physical assets. 

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