Maersk Delivers PPE To Healthcare Workers!



A.P. Moller Group to deliver PPE to health care workers in Denmark and reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in Danish hospitals, says an article published in their website.

Maersk Bridge

A.P. Moller Holding and A.P. Moller – Maersk are planning to establish the Maersk Bridge. 

Maersk Bridge is an air bridge and supply chain operation to –

  • secure delivery of protective equipment to health care workers in Denmark and 
  • reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19 in Danish hospitals. 

The operation takes place in close coordination with Danish hospitals.

Authorities struggle to source PPE

As the COVID-19 virus has spread globally, most authorities have struggled to source PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for employees in the health care sector. 

How is PPE helpful?

PPE saves lives in the healthcare industry because :

  1. if health care workers contract the virus their own health is at risk 
  2. infected health care workers risk transmitting the virus to other patients in the hospitals 
  3. transmission of the virus among health care workers reduces overall hospital capacity.

About Maersk Bridge project 

  • The Maersk Bridge project covers the sourcing and transportation of PPE from China to Denmark. 
  • It has been developed as a response to a request from Righospitalet to A.P. Moller Holding to help them source PPE. 
  • After A.P. Moller Holding had success with securing the first order, the project turned into a much bigger operation, to find ways to support the entire health care system in Denmark. 
  • In only two weeks, the Maersk Bridge evolved from an initial idea to delivery of cargo – in close coordination with RegionH.

Shared responsibilities


RegionH is responsible for the selection of material, review of supplier certificates and quality control of all materials.

Maersk Bridge 

The Maersk Bridge team is responsible for the sourcing of suppliers, the procurement of goods and arranging permits, transport and logistics.

To read the Onepager about Maersk Bridge click here.

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Source: Maersk