Maersk’s Carbon Pact Challenge!


Agility, Maersk Join to Slash CO2 Emissions


Agility joins Maersk Line Carbon Pact initiative to cut CO2 by 15%

Agility, a leading global logistics provider, has signed an agreement with Maersk Line, the world’s largest container ship operator, to cut CO2 emissions by 15% per container transported on Agility shipments by 2020.

The agreement is part of Maersk’s Carbon Pact Challenge, an initiative under which the ocean carrier and its customers work together to drive down harmful emissions and reduce the environmental impact of shipping.

As part of their agreement, Agility and Maersk will look for ways to cut emissions by shipping cargo on more fuel efficient ships, optimizing shipping networks and routes, and taking other alternative steps to reduce CO2 emissions such as investigating how to integrate CO2 emission indicators into the regular business information flow and procurement of ocean shipping.

“Responsible companies are looking for innovative, commercially viable ways to reduce the impact of their business on the environment,” said Cas Pouderoyen, Agility Senior Vice President for Global Ocean Freight.  “In Maersk, we have one of the most creative and committed partners in the shipping industry.  Our Carbon Pact partnership with them will benefit Agility customers and the planet.”

The International Maritime Organization says ocean shipping accounts for 10% of global CO2 emissions for transportation.  Road traffic (73%) and air transportation (12%) are the leading sources of CO2.  Agility and Maersk are both members of the Clean Cargo Working Group, an international coalition of logistics providers, ocean carriers and retailers committed to improving the environmental performance of marine container transport.

Agility works closely with its customers to measure and improve the environmental performance of their supply chain activities.  It also is committed to reducing its own environmental impact.  Details of those efforts are available in Agility’s 2016 Corporate Social Responsibility Report, “Deepening Impact.”

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Source: Maersk Line