IUMI Cyber Security Conference 2015



International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) conference in Berlin this week brought to focus several issues related to cyber security compromised by existing vulnerabilities.  Techno- approach in management like  the use of sensors and software-driven systems on board ships enables greater transparency and efficiency.  But, they are also sitting ducks for potential cyber-attack, software related glitches, malfunction or breakdown which affect the total system integrity.

Ships of future are going to be “connected” with online presence and high levels of automation and so there is a need for a risk-based approach to reduce cyber threats, with a tiered approach of third-party assessments, audits, testing and verification.

Human error is on the rise and is the cause for over 50 per cent of all claims which can be reduced if all stakeholders work together; sharing information on accidents in order to learn and to progress.  It is also remarked that shipping was still lagging behind land-based industries in technological advancement.

The topics of current and future importance to the industry discussed were:

Loss prevention : Importance of correct lashing and stowage procedures, combined with function testing of equipment.
Route Specific Container Stowage : Procedures that would allow transportation of container cargoes based on the actual route giving operators enhanced vessel flexibility and utilization.
“ReVolt”- Unmanned or autonomous shipping : A concept design and working scale model for a small zero emission unmanned cargo vessel – a fascinating look ahead at the future of the shipping industry.
Classification of Containerships : The expanded scope of  current unified requirements for container ships.

The three-day meet was well attended by about 700 maritime stakeholders, including representatives from the insurance industry, shipowners, salvors and classification societies.

Source: DNVGL