MAN Energy Solutions And DNV To Promote Decarbonization And Digitalization


  • Effective immediately, the MoU is due to run for a period of three years.
  • About DNV DNV is an independent assurance and risk management provider, operating in more than 100 countries.
  • It invests heavily in research and development to find solutions, together with the industry, that addresses strategic, operational or regulatory challenges.

Two companies have signed a memorandum of understanding to engage in three areas of mutual interest: decarbonisation, digitization, and hydrogen as reported by MAN.


MAN Energy Solutions and the classification organisation DNV inked a Memorandum of Understanding on March 9th, 2022, in a digital ceremony (MoU). The MoU will be in effect immediately and will last for three years.

The two firms will specify action plans in the domains of decarbonisation, hydrogen value-chain, and digitization by June 30th, 2022, according to the conditions of the memorandum.

The memorandum was signed by Dr Uwe Lauber, CEO, Dr Gunnar Stiesch, Head of Engineering on behalf of MAN Energy Solutions, and Remi Eriksen, CEO, and Jon Rysst, Global Business Development Director, on behalf of DNV.

Decreasing carbon footprint

“Reaching the 1.5°C targets necessitates a significant decrease in the maritime industry’s carbon footprint, a storm that truly requires all hands on deck,” Lauber added. “On this unavoidable route to net-zero, we appreciate the opportunity to engage with like-minded people — both inside and beyond the sector.”

“Decarbonisation and digitization are reshaping the maritime business,” Eriksen stated. “We can face this shift by working together, and along with MAN Energy Solutions, we will shape solutions that benefit both our companies and, most importantly, our consumers.”

Critical collaboration

“At MAN Energy Solutions, we understand that no single organisation holds all of the data, digital skills, and capabilities to achieve our transition to clean, decarbonized solutions in the Maritime Industry,” Gregory Puckett, Head of Group Digital, said. “As a result, we feel that cross-industry collaboration is critical. Working with DNV – one of the world’s leading classification societies – is mutually beneficial for us and allows us to benefit from each other’s knowledge.”

For the length of the arrangement, Puckett, Stiesch, and Rysst will serve as the key points of contact between the two companies.

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Source: MAN