Man Overboard from a USCG Vessel



A man fell off The US Coast Guard vessel USCGC Eagle in the early hours of May 25 off cork port.

The US Coast Guard vessel, a training ship named USCGC Eagle, was operating five miles off the south-west coast in Irish waters this morning when this accident reportedly took place.  Immediately it contacted Valentia Coast Guard with a ‘man overboard’ emergency signal at about 9.30 am.

Waterford Coast Guard’s helicopter along with Crosshaven lifeboat were immediately pressed into service, but stood down almost as quickly when the Eagle had rescued the man.

“Our own services were only operational for about two minutes,” a Coast Guard spokesman said.  The person has been reported as being stable and ok per the Eagle’s own onboard medics.

The Eagle, a training cutter first launched in the 1930s, is in the area in order to pay a courtesy visit to Ireland.

Source: The Journal