Marine Environment and Climate to be Considered by the IMO



How can the shipping industry contribute to the Paris Agreement’s goals of reduced global greenhouse gas emissions? This as well as other important issues of the industry are on the agenda as the MEPC meets in London this week.

Focus is on the climate during this week’s meeting in London.  The Danish Maritime Authority takes part in the considerations, which may have consequences for, inter alia, ships’ reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

The London meeting is topical in the light of the approaching entry into force of the Paris Agreement, and the considerations pave the way for the shipping industry’s future contribution to reducing global CO2 emissions and are, thus important to future shipping.

Peter Mikael Ostenfeld, Chief Advisor at the Danish Maritime Authority: “The shipping industry has already adopted regulations to ensure the energy efficiency of new ships.  It is important that the MEPC can agree on a roadmap for determining the shipping industry’s share of the long-term global reduction efforts to be made.”

Mandatory data collection

It is expected that an agreement on mandatory collection of data on ships’ fuel consumption will be adopted at the meeting in London, just as considerations of the on-going improvement of ships’ energy efficiency is also on the agenda in London this week.

Peter Mikael Ostenfeld, Chief Advisor at the Danish Maritime Authority: “It is important to record ships’ fuel consumption in order to be able to account for the shipping industry’s CO2 emissions and, thus, evaluate the reduction potential of the industry. Therefore, the data collection constitutes an important part of the basis for pre-senting ambitious goals for the industry’s emissions.”

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Source: Danish Maritime Authority