Marine Industry: Outlook for 2017 and Beyond


Dr-R.-Vis-CEO-of-Viswa-Lab1.jpgReally, very major regulatory changes have been initiated in 2016 and their effect is going to reverberate for the next several years.  The Ballast Water regulation has come into force.  The 0.1% Sulfur limit on bunker fuels will kick in from 2020.  Another major shift taking place is with regard to Big data analytics with all aspects of fuel, engines, and ships.  There is a plethora of choices to handle the problems associated with the conformance to the regulations.   

Referring to information systems, Big data analytics, cloud computing and algorithms to analyze the data, I am happy to record that Viswa has made significant advances in this field.  As early as in 2008, Viswa introduced algorithms to identify problem fuels and, in fact, specific problems such as Piston ring breakage, filter blockage etc.  Viswa also introduced Peace of Mind Package (POMP TM) to test parameters which do not form part of ISO 8217, in order to identify fuels with contamination and adulteration.  This Peace of Mind Package (POMP) also diagnosed and provided solutions to mitigate machinery problems and damage caused by adulterated fuels.

A large number of ships enjoy this benefit, provided at a very reasonable cost.  Viswa has further expanded this area and has fitted VEEMS (Viswa Energy Efficiency Monitoring System TM) to monitor all the parameters associated with engine performance, ship performance, and fuel quality.  Viswa also introduced VLIS, a comprehensive information system which covers several verticals, such as one on Bunker fuel purchase, quality and performance; another vertical on VEEMS; and a third vertical on various operational and performance aspects of the engines.

Viswa is also into Scrubbers and will be coming out shortly with new designs, which will perform with greater accuracy, occupy less space, weigh less, and also cost less.  We expect that the new Scrubber designs will be very attractive to the industry.  It can be seen from the above that Viswa is well poised to face the challenges of future growth and play its role in the marine industry.

As always Viswa’s focus will be customer satisfaction, technical excellence, integrity in operation, and highly economical pricing.  Viswa marches ahead into 2017 with full confidence and looks forward to 2017 with great expectations.

Dr Vis


Viswa Lab

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