Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) Code of Practice


According to an article published in Maritime UK, the MASS industry, companies, organisations and individuals working within it are committed to behaving ethically and with integrity in all aspects of business.

Fair regulatory controls

Success of the MASS Industry and development of the appropriate regulatory controls depends on maintaining a good corporate reputation. Every organisation and employee within the industry has an important role to play. This outlines the Industry’s commitment under this Code and spells out the responsibilities of those who manage the Industry.

Summary of the principles of business conduct

This is a summary of the principles of business conduct expected of all designers, manufacturers, owners and operators of MASS providing practical guidance on how to deal with important issues.

The MASS Industry Conduct Statement is intended to be a guide that every organisation using this Code is expected to meet. Its contents complement and underscore legal requirements and are not intended to substitute any requirement of law. As a general rule, users of this Code are expected to be responsible for understanding and complying with the laws, regulations or policies that relate to their activities.

Statement of application

This Statement applies to, and is supported by all organisations adopting this Code, their employees, agents and subcontractors when dealing within the scope of their contractual duties. It shall apply to all dealings that are reasonably considered within the normal course of business. Including, but not limited to, dealings with customers, contractors, stakeholders, competitors and regulators. It can be adopted by any organisation within the industry and this is encouraged.

Guidlines of MASS

All organisations adopting this Code and their agents resolve to respect the following guidelines:

  • To observe a general obligation to display responsible and ethical behaviour in relation to the design, manufacture, distribution, operation, maintenance and final disposal of their systems.
  • To encourage and support communication and dialogue with regulators and relevant authorities.
  • To follow the principles set out by this Code to the best of their abilities.

Industry Manager’s Responsibilities

Those who manage or supervise others within the MASS Industry have additional responsibilities under this Code. These include:

  • Making sure the Code is provided to, explained to and understood by employees they manage and supervise.
  • Providing guidance to those they manage or supervise on how they can meet the Code’s requirements.
  • Promoting the principles by setting a personal example.
  • Ensuring employees receive training and guidance on applying the Code.
  • Monitoring compliance with the Code by employees they manage or supervise.
  • Ensuring that third parties, especially within their supply chain, are aware of, and follow, the policies and principles of this Code when appropriate.
  • Creating an environment where employees can contribute to the industry’s development and be recognised for doing so.

Health and Safety considerations

  • The MASS industry’s activities and operations can have an impact on the health and safety of their employees, subcontractors and others working within it. The industry has a responsibility to make sure it limits the potential for accidents to occur. Complying with safety rules and procedures is an essential minimum.
  • It will also aim to prevent accidents happening by identifying and understanding the risks present in the workplace and daily operating environment, and by understanding how accidents can occur. It should seek to identify those areas that can be improved to protect the safety of all those in the industry and how identified risks can be mitigated.
  • Everyone within the industry has a responsibility for safety in the workplace and must be familiar with and comply with each company’s Health and Safety Policy and all local requirements and by thinking through the risks and hazards in our workplace and daily operating environment.

Environmental management and protection

  • The MASS industry is committed to high standards of environmental management and protection. This includes giving appropriate consideration to the management of environmental impacts in the development, design, procurement, manufacture, test, training delivery, maintenance, support and disposal of our products.
  • In addition, it will comply with the law and relevant environmental regulations.
  • The industry will be proactive in contributing to the achievements of these high standards. It has the responsibility to think carefully about the environmental impacts of its products. It must use best practice engineering and management techniques and processes to understand the potential use of the product by customers.
  • The industry’s environmental responsibilities cover the whole lifecycle of the product. It should consider how products and components, including fuels, batteries and chemicals, could be designed and manufactured with recyclability and responsible disposal in mind.
  • By doing this it can reduce the environmental impact of systems and services at all stages from design, assessment, development, manufacture and in-service support, through to removal from service and disposal at end of life.

Product Safety Design and Construction

  • The MASS industry will agree with customers the level of safety that is required i.e. what risks are acceptable and will work to ensure that it delivers products that meet or exceed that level. It will not agree to a level of safety that is unlawful or unethical.
  • Industry policies and practices are built on a set of principles of product safety that apply throughout the product’s life, and that may extend beyond the formal end of the project.
  • The safety of products relies on the application of safety policies and processes, and on the behaviours and attitudes of all within the industry. There is a chain of accountability for product safety and signatories are responsible for ensuring that the products both match their design and have the agreed level of safety.
  • Information about product safety will be shared with customers and within the Industry and it will try to learn from anything about the performance and use of products that can be used to improve safety.
  • Everyone within the industry should be aware of the product safety implications of their role and ensure that operations are in full compliance both with the law and with each company’s safety policies and processes. Any concerns regarding the safety of a product, or the application of policies and processes, should be raised immediately.
  • The MASS industry will ensure that it employs Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel (SQEP) in the design and construction of its systems. It will source good quality, traceable, consistent materials and components and use appropriate design, build and test standards where applicable to ensure quality, safe and predictable products are delivered to customers.

Protective Marketing

Improper or unauthorised handling of protectively marked and commercially sensitive information may damage the national security of the countries in which business is done. It also damages the Industry and may harm the operational and financial performance of companies within the industry.

The MASS industry has responsibility to:

  • Handle Classified and/or Protectively marked information in accordance with all applicable laws and local procedures.
  • Refrain from discussing or working with classified information in a public area where the conversation may be overheard, or information compromised.
  • Not discuss classified information with anyone unless it is confirmed that they have a need to know and the appropriate clearance.

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Source: MaritimeUK


  1. It is heartening to note that MASS code of practice is in place now.But when will the regulations governing the operation of autonomous ships in International waters be put in place.It is reliably understood that some vessels like USV Maxlimer, car ferry FALCO and NYK line’s Autonomous car carrier are sailing in International waters without any regulations in place.

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