Marlink Completes Migration Of UNI-TANKERS

Credits: Manda Hansen/ Unsplash

Marlink has completed the migration of UNI-TANKERS’ owned fleet to its global hybrid network solution, says an article published on their website.

Digital transformation

The Danish shipping company UNI-TANKERS, recognised for its high operational quality, selected Marlink as an expert partner to support its digital transformation, combining hybrid high-throughput connectivity with cloud-data access, remote IT support, and proactive cyber security to improve performance and operational safety.

Best-known producers

UNI-TANKERS operates a fleet of approximately 40 owned and chartered oil and chemical tankers, and its customers include some of the world’s best-known producers, refiners, and manufacturers.

Range of digital solutions

Marlink has equipped all vessels owned by UNI-TANKERS with future-proof smart network solutions, combining the full potential of global VSAT, L-band backup, and global 4G connectivity, together with a range of digital solutions including CyberGuard and ITLink IT solutions.

Through its XChange platform Marlink will deliver a fully managed service including network management and secure file transfers between ship and shore.

Most appropriate channel

Using the smart routing capabilities of the XChange platform, UNI-TANKERS’ vessels will be able to send and receive data on the most appropriate channel and process data onboard at the edge of the network. Remote IT support is enabled via ITLink while Marlink’s CyberGuard Threat Detection solution provides a proactive layer of security to business and crew communications.

Unified Threat Management (UTM) with next-generation firewall functions has also been recently implemented.

Data transfer

Marlink’s hybrid network solution will enable UNI-TANKERS to further enhance its operations, including high volume data transfer to and from its vessels for safe and efficient navigation as well as compliance with prevailing vetting and inspection regimes.

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Source: Marlink