Methanol GenSets Revolutionize Car Carrier Shipping

Credit: NYK

The maritime industry is taking a significant step towards sustainability with the introduction of methanol-burning GenSets in car carrier shipping. China Merchants Heavy Industry’s pioneering move to embrace this innovative technology marks a crucial milestone in the quest for cleaner and greener maritime transportation. MAN Energy Solutions is at the forefront of this transformation, positioning methanol as a promising and flexible fuel for a more sustainable future in shipping. The man source

  • China Merchants Heavy Industry orders innovative methanol-burning GenSets for car carriers, signaling a shift toward sustainable shipping.
  • MAN Energy Solutions leads the charge, offering complete decarbonization solutions and expanding the use of green methanol as a fuel in the maritime industry.
  • The 21/31DF-M GenSets promise reliability, efficiency, and flexibility, positioning methanol as a key player in reducing emissions and advancing sustainability in marine transportation.

Industry Milestone

China Merchants Heavy Industry (CMHI) has embarked on a groundbreaking journey towards sustainable shipping by placing an order for six small-bore, seven-cylinder 21/31DF-M methanol-burning GenSets. These GenSets mark a significant industry milestone as the first of their kind, promising a cleaner and greener future for car carriers.

Methanol as the Fuel of the Future

The move towards methanol as a sustainable fuel is gaining momentum, driven by the need for expanded capacity in the vehicle-transport sector, particularly due to robust car sales in China, and stringent emission regulations. CMES is taking the lead in this transition, becoming the first mover in the Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC) segment to adopt methanol as a future fuel.

Decarbonization Solutions

MAN Energy Solutions, the driving force behind this innovation, aims to become a complete decarbonization solutions provider. By introducing these methanol-driven GenSets, they are not only meeting the demand for greener technology but also setting the stage for more sustainable practices across the shipping industry.

The Power of Methanol

The 21/31DF-M GenSets are built on a simple port fuel-injection concept, prioritizing reliability and efficiency while minimizing capital-outlay time. With the ability to operate on green methanol as a drop-in fuel, these GenSets offer a promising solution to power generation aboard large marine merchant vessels. Methanol’s potential as a sustainable and flexible fuel is being realized, contributing to a cleaner maritime future.

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