‘Minor’ Oil Spillage In Yangtze River Due To Vessel Collision


The Chinese vessel which had sunk due to collision with oil tanker resulted in a little oil spillage.  All 16 crew members were safely rescued.  oil-tanker-16x9.jpg

Jiang Xia Xiang, Chinese cargo vessel sunk after a collision with the oil tanker Bai Chai resulted in a small oil spill.  The incident had happened on the Yangtze River in Shanghai when the cargo vessel was berthing at Waigaoqiao Port on July 24.

The amount of oil spill is not yet determined, but reports states that the oil spill is “slight”.

All of the 16 crew members onboard the cargo vessel were rescued by the Shanghai Maritime Authority.  The Bai Chai suffered minor damage to the bow in the incident and is currently docked at the Waigaoqiao port. The authorities are carrying out an investigation into the cause of collision.

The Jiang Xia Xiang was owned and registered in the name of Huayuan Shipping.  It was on the voyage of Ningbo from Anqing, delivering 7,500 tons of rock and Bai Chai was carrying about 3,000 tons of crude oil.