Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Establishes MOL Group Safety Vision


TOKYO-Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President & CEO: Takeshi Hashimoto) has been committed to pursuing the world’s highest level of safety culture. Today, MOL announced the establishment of the ‘MOL Group Safety Vision’, which states the group’s basic approach and framework for safety. In addition to enhancing the safety and quality of the shipping business, MOL will strengthen and integrate risk management across the MOL group in response to the expansion of our business areas, including non-shipping businesses, according to an article published on their website.

Safety & Value

The Safety Vision will be used to both support ‘Safety & Value’, one of the sustainability issues (materiality) in the management plan ‘BLUE ACTION 2035’, and to reinforce the ‘S (for Safety)’ aspect in ‘MOL CHARTS’ which is group values. With the establishment of the Safety Vision, the MOL group now has a complete set of visions addressing the five sustainability issues identified.

Safety is one of MOL Group’s fundamental responsibilities and underpins the expansion of our business activities and the taking on of new challenges as a global social infrastructure company. As a responsible social infrastructure company, we aim to continue building the trust we have accrued over many years by providing stable services based on the Safety Vision.

Safety Vision Framework and Big-Picture View

The Safety Vision consists of a roof section that sets our safety goals and what we ought to be, underpinned by support pillars and foundations based on the actions we take (safety measures and safety infrastructure). The catchphrase “Leading in Safety” expresses the desire of each company within the MOL Group to lead the industry in safety standards in their respective business fields.


In addition to the current safety operation KPI of “4 ZEROS” (zero serious marine incidents, zero oil pollution, zero fatal accidents, and zero serious cargo damage), to measure the results of the Safety Action a KPI for our safety goal and a KPI for ‘what we ought to be’ have been set as follows.

Through the Safety Vision, MOL Group will continue to support people’s day-to-day lives as a responsible custodian of social infrastructure business.

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Source: MOL