Its MOL Bulk Carrier Which Rescued Castaways


MOL Bulk Carrier Rescues Castaways

– Three survivors rescued off Chuuk Lagoon in Pacific Ocean –


TOKYO-Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President & CEO: Junichiro Ikeda) today announced that on April 5, 2016, the MOL-operated Bulk carrier ENERGY GLORY safely rescued three survivors about 100 km offshore of Chuuk Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia.

Details of the rescue operation:

  • At 20:15 (all times in local time) on April 4, 2016, the ENERGY GLORY, sailing from Port of Gladstone, Australia to Port of Chiba, Japan received a request for assistance from United States Coast Guard and immediately changed course to approach the castaways, and started rescue operations.
  • At 00:51 of the next day, the survivors were safely rescued.
  • At 01:40 of the same day, the survivors were turned over to a rescue ship off Chuuk Lagoon.

[ Outline of ENERGY GLORY ]

LOA : 228.99 m
Gross Tonnage : 43,013 MT
Crew : 22 (Filipino)
Registry : Panama

Coincidence :

Mfame published a similar rescue effort from  the MOL-operated bulk carrier Spring Zephyr last july, in whch the bulk carrier safely rescued all three survivors clinging to driftwood 165 km east of the island of Mindanao, the Philippines.