MOL Car Carrier Earns ClassNK’s 1st Remote Survey Notation


Japanese classification society ClassNK has granted its remote survey (RMSV) notation for Orca Ace, a car carrier operated by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) and managed by MOL Ship Management Co., Ltd. (MOLSHIP), reads a MOL press release.

Vessel for remote surveys 

As informed, this is the first vessel on ClassNK’s registry to be marked with RMSV notation which recognizes the ship’s preparedness for implementing remote surveys.

In conventional in-person surveys which ClassNK carries out to ensure vessel safety and protect the marine environment, surveyors are required to visit vessels and inspect various onboard items along with crewmembers.

On the other hand, the system established onboard the Orca Ace leverages ICT technology and, without requiring visits by surveyors, allows surveys using onboard broadcasts filmed by crewmembers.

This leads to much more efficient use of time, such as eliminating travel time to board vessels, and allows contactless surveys.

RMSV to car carrier 

ClassNK said it has carried out the verification of the vessel in line with its Guidelines for Remote Surveys (Ver. 2.0), published in January 2021.

Upon satisfactory completion of its document/plan examination and on-site survey, ClassNK added its first RMSV notation to Orca Ace,” the classification society said.

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Source: MOL