MOL-JERA New LNG Carrier Named Sohshu Maru


Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) named the newbuilding LNG carrier Sohshu Maru ordered by Trans Pacific Shipping 8 Ltd., a joint venture between MOL and JERA, reports Seanews.

The joint venture

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. today announced the naming of a newbuilding LNG Carrier ordered by Trans Pacific Shipping 8 Ltd. , a Joint Venture between MOL and JERA Co., Inc. Today’s ceremony was held at the Sakaide Works of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. 

DFDE propulsion system

Sohshu Maru is equipped with DFDE (Dual Fuel Diesel Electric) propulsion system. DFDE system can use both heavy fuel oil and natural gas, which has different component as an energy resource. This system is environmentally-friendly because the vessel can use natural boil-off gas efficiently.

This system achieves heat efficiency, and is a more environment-friendly, economically superior design than normal Steam Turbine propulsion system.

The vessel will transport LNG that JERA purchases from the Freeport LNG Project in the United States and other suppliers.

The MOL Group draws upon its decades of experience and know-how as the world’s leading LNG carrier owner and management company and works aggressively to provide safe, high-quality LNG transport services for customers.

Outline of Sohshu Maru

(1) Length: 299.90m

(2) Breadth: 48.90m

(3) Draft: 11.80m

(4) LNG tank: MOSS independent stretched spherical type tank system

(5) Gross tonnage: About 135,951tons

(6) Tank capacity: About 177,269m3(*)

(*) at -163℃, 100% capacity

(7) Main engine: DFDE

(8) Speed: About 19.5 knots

(9) Shipyard: KHI

(10) Ship management company: MOL

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Source: SeaNews