MOL Kick Starts LNG Ship Management Out Of Hong Kong!


Japan’s Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) is currently involved in the operation of about 70 LNG carriers and always eyes to expand its LNG fleet, mainly to quench power thirsty Japan.

With MOL LNG (Asia), MOL has begun Ship management operations on 18th April 2016, yesterday.  “As MOL becomes involved in the operation of a growing number of LNG carriers, it intends to play a central role in ship management, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, to meet an anticipated increase in LNG shipments bound for Asia,” the company said in a release today.


MOLLNG (Asia) employees with President & CEO Ikeda (fifth from the right in the front row) and Managing Director of MOLLNG (Asia) Kaname Tanaka (sixth from the right in the front row)

Name MOL LNG Transport (Asia) Ltd.
Abbreviation MOLLNG (Asia)
Established September 15, 2015
Paid-in Capital US$2 million (wholly owned by MOL)
Headquarters Hong Kong
Business Ship management of LNG carriers

Source: MOL